So whether you're feeling awesome or down in the dumps like me this weekend, I hope this post will make you smile.
1. Marnie the Dog ( tumblr)
I mean just look at this little ball of goofy adorableness. How could you not smile at this dog?
2. Otters that look like Benedict Cumberbatch
I love Benedict Cumberbatch but this stupid otter meme just kills me every time.
3. Welcome to Night Vale ( website )
Everything about Night Vale to the usual weird happenings in the town to the LGBT+ representation just make me smile.
4. My Clear cosplay
I just love it. I can't wait for this weekend when I actually get to wear it.
5. The fact that Homestuck is going to be updated this month.
It's been a nearly year since I caught up with the 6,000+ pages of Andrew Hussie's webcomic and it's finally getting updated again! The hiatus is ending, finally!
6. Naps
Naps are nice and relaxing. I want to take one now and maybe wake up Friday night, just in time to go to AAC...
7. Halloween is in two weeks!!
Halloween is my favorite holiday and I can't wait to eat candy and stay up all night watching scary movies with my best friend!
8. Hetalia
It's weird but it's the reason I love history so much. Hetalia is a webcomic turned anime about personified countries that are just adorable and kind of stupid. It shows different cultures and history through short clips. It's great, seriously, look it up.