Monday, October 13, 2014

Things That Make Me Happy

Well, I don't know how you are feeling but personally, I'm feeling kind of down this weekend.  I'm stressed out over homework and other personal problems but instead of venting all those feelings on the internet and slipping into an even deeper hole of depression and anxiety, I'm going to make a post about all the things that make me happy. 

So whether you're feeling awesome or down in the dumps like me this weekend, I hope this post will make you smile. 

1. Marnie the Dog ( tumblr)

 I mean just look at this little ball of goofy adorableness. How could you not smile at this dog?

2. Otters that look like Benedict Cumberbatch 

I love Benedict Cumberbatch but this stupid otter meme just kills me every time.

3. Welcome to Night Vale ( website )

Everything about Night Vale to the usual weird happenings in the town to the LGBT+ representation just make me smile.  

4. My Clear cosplay

I just love it.  I can't wait for this weekend when I actually get to wear it.

5. The fact that Homestuck is going to be updated this month.

It's been a nearly year since I caught up with the 6,000+ pages of Andrew Hussie's webcomic and it's finally getting updated again! The hiatus is ending, finally!

6. Naps

Naps are nice and relaxing. I want to take one now and maybe wake up Friday night, just in time to go to AAC...

7. Halloween is in two weeks!!

Halloween is my favorite holiday and I can't wait to eat candy and stay up all night watching scary movies with my best friend!

8. Hetalia

It's weird but it's the reason I love history so much.  Hetalia is a webcomic turned anime about personified countries that are just adorable and kind of stupid. It shows different cultures and history through short clips.  It's great, seriously, look it up.
