1st Cosplay: Kurloz Makara from Homestuck:
I had bought a skeleton from Hot Topic awhile back and it was what initially motivated me to start working on his costume. I then ordered some skeleton leggings from here and those came in not too long ago. I had a pair of killer black combat boots with a 3" platform heel and I just sprayed painted those purple.
I figured that since Gamzee and Kurloz's horns are basically the same (Kurloz's are supposed to be a little bigger but oh well) that I'm just going to reuse the horns from my Gamzee cosplay.
It took me forever to find a wig for Kurloz. Originally, i was going to use the wig I use for Gamzee but I found that that wig was too small and kept sliding off my head when I wore it at Anime Boston last year. I looked everywhere for a perfect wig and I found a couple that I liked online. Although the thought of them being just as small and uncomfortable as my Gamzee deterred me from ordering them. Finally, on a hunt for a friend's costume at this super cool costume store in New Hampshire and got this weird black and pink punk wig. But it was the PERFECT shape and style for Kurloz already. So I tried it on and it fit just as perfectly as it looked. I bought it and just colored over the pink with sharpie. I know that sounds super cheap but it worked so well.
The only things I have left to do for his costume is to dye a pair of my shorts purple and to some trial runs of his face paint.
(***note*** the purple shorts shown in the picture are not the shorts I plan to wear at AAC)
2nd Cosplay: Clear from DMMD:
Like with most of my cosplays, I decided completely on a whim to do Clear. I just got up one morning, watched an episode of DMMD and said "yep, that's my next project."
So I went out and bought some gray jeans and white button-up shirt at Wal-Mart. I bought material to make his scarf (which was super annoying since I can never tell whether his scarf is a soft yellow or a fluorescent green). Then I found a bathrobe at a thrift store that had this nice cotton exterior instead of it being completely terry clothe. All I had to do was cut out the terry clothe inside and it was nearly perfect. Next I had to order some things, mainly Clear's boots and his gas mask (which I can no longer find the link to). Both the boots and the gas mask came in pretty quickly so i was very happy!
Only one thing is giving me grief is his wig. I already have a sliver wig that's as poofy as his hair but the silver just does not look right. So I'm borrowing a friend's white wig and styling it up with some hair wax.
The only thing I have left to do for Clear's costume is to hem the coat and then sew on the new buttons I bought. I'm very excited for his costume and also very excited to get into his character!