Gender is something that most people of today's society view as being very black and white (or blue and pink, if you want). You're either a boy or a girl. Most people believe that what a person looks like or what kind of genitals they might have determines their gender.
But, that really isn't it. Gender is more of a fluid concept. It really isn't just black and white. A lot of people don't realize that there is all this gray area in between. There are people who were designated female at birth who now identify as being a boy and people who were designated male at birth who now identify as being a girl. There are people who identify as neither boy nor girl nor any other gender. There are people who identify as both boy and girl. There are people who identify as being a mix of the two binary genders. There are people who identify as many genders. There are people who identify as different genders based on how they feel. Are you following this okay? uh... I'm not good at explaining things so let's have the Genderbread Person help:
I identify as androgynous (it says it's an expression in the picture but just roll with it). I believe that there are both masculine and feminine aspects of who I am. I identify as androgynous because I found it physically and mentally harmful to myself to identify as either boy or girl.
I only recently started identifying as androgynous because I honestly didn't know that it was a real thing I could identify as. I found out about it over the summer one day when I was casually scrolling through the posts on my dashboard. I came across a post that really went in depth about gender identity. I found it amazing and started researching each gender it outlined. It took awhile until I found androgyny and I was so happy when I did. The hard part is actually taking this identity and making it into an expression of who I am.
Pronouns and name changing are two ways to express one's gender (other than appearance) and they are two things that I struggle with. I don't exactly find it damaging to be called "she" and "Margeaux", it's just that I don't like it. It's just not me. Personally, I would rather people use they/them pronouns when referring to me and I would really rather people called me by my middle name, "Rene." Most of my friends at my high school have already gotten into the habit of calling me by my first name and it's sort of a hard thing to break. It's also kind of awkward to just slap it on people like "Hey, I know we've known each other for like 3 years now but could you call me 'Rene' from now on? kthxbye."
I haven't really told anyone about this, except a teacher and a few best friends. It's pretty hard to come out to my parents when I constantly hear stuff like "if you were a boy, I don't know how I'd live." I'm afraid that they won't understand and won't except me. Fortunately, my parents aren't too conservative, especially when it comes to appearances. They allow me to buy "boy" clothes and get my hair cut short, so it sort of works out in a way.
Today was a pretty big step for me. I don't really know how many people I've just come out to but I'm pretty glad I got it off my chest. Maybe I'll talk more on this subject some day...