Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Cosplay Line-up! (again)

Anime Boston ended only a couple weeks ago but I have to say that I am already asking, "Is it Anime Boston yet?"  SIGH.  There isn't another convention until October and the post-con depression has definitely set in.  Instead of wallowing, I decided to turn my depression around into creativity and hopefulness so I started my next cosplay line-up!

Kotetsu T. Kaburagi from Tiger and Bunny
I'm just a few episodes away from finishing Tiger and Bunny and I am already crying just thinking about it.  I never thought I could have loved a super hero anime as much as I do Tiger and Bunny.  It's definitely in my top five list of favorite anime and Kotetsu, aka Wild Tiger, is definitely on my top five favorite character's list.  Kotetsu's the classic hero-type and puts others' needs way before his own.  I absolutely love his casual clothes and am already super excited to cosplay him.  I am hoping to also pair his mask, which casually conceals his identity, with his costume.  Having seen a couple Kotetsu cosplayers at Anime Boston, I don't like either of the popular choices of drawing the mask on or making a paper mask so I'm hoping to find a third option of making it. 

Atsushi Murasakibara from Kuroko no Basket (KnB)

To be honest, I haven't really watched much of KnB.  It's a basketball sports anime - if you didn't already guess - and sometimes sports anime is kind of hard for me to get into.  I've only watched about 3 episodes but I am hoping to watch more soon. Atsushi isn't exactly a main character but he is probably one of my favorites - despite the fact I haven't even seen him in the anime yet.  He's about 6'10" and absolutely loves sweets and junk food.  Despite playing basketball extremely well, he doesn't care for the sport at all.  While I have little basketball experience; I am pretty tall (not 6'10" tall but pretty tall), I do love junk food, and I don't like sports.  Atsushi seemed like a good character for me.  Sports anime is usually really fun and easy to cosplay so I'm hoping Atsushi's cosplay will be less stressful.  Plus I love his wig.

That's pretty much all I've got planned for now.  I know that I'll definitely add (and maybe even subtract) more later on so expect a couple more of these line-ups!